Un blogue fait par et pour les élèves du collège Marcel Aymard, pour leurs amis, leurs parents et tous ceux, curieux et bienveillants, qui ont envie de découvrir ce que rêvent, pensent, sentent... et écrivent les jeunes plumes.

Des nouvelles de nos anciens élèves !

Etant une ancienne élève du collège Marcel-Aymard je suis revenue, curieuse, sur ce blog que j'ai vu naître d'une certaine façon. C'est donc avec plaisir que je découvre les écrits des élèves de cette année, écrits particulièrement intéressants et attachants.
En les remerciant et encourageant la pérennité de ce blogue, je vous souhaite de bonnes vacances,

Audrey (ancienne troisième)

Drôle de journée pour M. Télécom, par Justine

M. Télécom
Marcel, vieux paysan
Azanor, jeune précieux égaré au XXIème siècle

Scène 1 :
Marcel, M. Télécom.
Marcel : Excuse Junior, tu peux me réparer mon engin à papottes ?
M. Télécom surpris : "Engin à papottes" ?
Marcel lui montre le téléphone.
M. Télécom: Hmm… laissez-moi voir. J’suis sorry mais votre téléphone sans fils Bi-Bop de 1991 ne s’répare pas. Les pièces existent plus. Faut qu’vous en achetiez un autre.
Marcel : Ben, montre-moi, Junior c’que t’as en magasin.
M. Télécom: Vous voulez quel genre ?
Marcel : Ben, genre, truc où l’on parle.
M. Télécom: Vous avez celui-ci.
M. Télécom s’approche d’un téléphone sans fonctionnalités.
M. Télécom : Celui-là n’a que la box vocale. L’on ne peut que textoter et téléphoner.
Marcel : Textoter ???
M. Télécom : Envoyer des SMS.
Marcel : Tu veux dire envoyer des MAF : messages avec fautes. Et t’aurais pas un truc plus moderne pour Ginette ?
M. Télécom perplexe : Si vous voulez j’ai celui-là : branché sur le réseau 95G+++, sa caméra a 12 milliards de pixels, a every applis, est tactile. C’est le « must »  des news hightech. Admiratif. C’est LE super Iphone LB.3.0 . Mais si vous voulez le dernier modèle sorti par strawberry, il vous faudra attendre, il l’ont bientôt fini mais y zon pas encore mis les beugs.
Marcel : S’tu dis qu’le machin parleur n°1 c’est l’plus facile. J’vais l’prendre car pour Ginette, n’envoyer que des MAF et m’appeler pour la soupe ça suffit.
M. Télécom : Vous avez en cadeau un kit main libres.
Marcel : Hein, qu’est-c’tu dis Junior ? J’ai mon appareil audio qui vient de tomber en panne.
M. Télécom, un peu plus fort : Vous avez en cadeau un kit main libres.
Marcel : Un chemin libre ? J’savais pas qu’y avait des embouteillages.
M. Télécom, criant presque et exagérant l’articulation : Un kit main libres pour écouter la music !
Marcel : Ah ! Un cagibi à bruit en cadeau pour Ginette. C’est gentil ça Junior.
M. Télécom : M. vot’phone sera prêt dans une grosse semaine car notre a-mac qui enregistre les commandes est en panne.
Marcel : Et ben t’es un peu feignasse, Junior ! Onze semaines car t’es en panne sur ton hamac !!!
M. Télécom, très énervé : J’ai dit dans UNE semaine !!!
Marcel : Alors, à la semaine prochaine.
M. Télécom : Bye !
Marcel tout bas : Moi je dis qu’Junior devrais retourner à l’école car tous ces anglicismes, ça m’donne le tournis et puis j’ai toujours pas compris cette histoire d’hamac. Bon, faut que j’y aille, Ginette m’attend.
Marcel sort de la boutique.
Scène 2 :
Azanor, M. Télécom.
Azanor : M. Télécom ! Je vous cherchais pour que vous me donnassiez des renseignements sur le dernier pigeon qui transporte les mots doux et les querelles. 
M. Télécom : Comprend pas.
Azanor : Sur le postier des conversations que vous intitulez plus communément Iphone LB4.0 .
M. Télécom : Ah ! Mon pauvre gars…
Azanor : Pauvre, moi ? Je suis un critique dont les commentaires ne sont réservés qu’à ma personne relativement aux livres numériques racontés sur le dernier a-mac. Je suis TOUT sauf un "pauvre gars" !
M. Télécom mal à l’aise : Monsieur, calmez-vous. Je disais pauvre gars car le dernier Iphone LB4.0 n’est pas encore sorti. Ils y ont pas encore mis les beugs.
Driiiing ! le téléphone d’Azanor sonne.
Azanor : Veuillez excuser ma personne. Oh ! Ma très chère Marie-Camille, Antoinette, Marguerite, Anne Catherine, Joséphine, Gertrude, je vous disais que j’aimerais travailller dans le monde littéraire, pouvoir mettre mon talent au service d’œuvres émotives, à rendre tristes mes passionnés, à exacerber leurs colères et à les  révolter. Je m’excuse auprès de votre personne, je suis dans la volière des pigeons voyageurs, je dois donc me retirer de notre correspondance.
M. Télécom : M., si vous cherchez un job où vous pouvez donner des émotions, faire pleurer et s’énerver vos lecteurs et surtout les révolter, postulez chez strawberry pour écrire les messages d’erreurs de new Iphone LB4.0.
Azanor, en ignorant la remarque de M. Télécom : Quand la date de sortie du nouvel Iphone LB4.0 est-elle prévue mon cher ?
M. Télécom : Dans 48 mois. Si vous voulez, j’ai d’autres phones dans mon shop.
Azanor : Je remercie infiniment votre personne mais je préfère attendre car selon je considère que les beugs sont essentiels chez une lettre numérique sonore. C’est ce qui fait la réussite d’un tel pigeon.
M. Télécom : Si vous l’dites. Moi, j’ préfère quand y a pas de beugs mais chacun ses goûts.
Azanor : Je vous salue mon ami.
M. Télécom : Bye !
Azanor, tout bas et révolté. "Bye " ? Il est vraiment incongru de s'adresser ainsi à une personne de ma qualité !
Azanor sort de la boutique.
M. Télécom, seul dans sa boutique : Y a vraiment des gens chelous avec leurs langages. Y a des jours où j’ferais bien de rester couché, moi !!!

The problems of the fairy tales, poems and stories

Jelly Belly

Jelly Belly is a bean
Jelly Belly is a candy
Very good candy
They are tutti-frutti
They are also very messy
Very yummy
But, some are disgusting

And some are finger licking

Safir and Brayden !


On February 2013, for the holidays, I went to the Guadeloupe Islands with my family, in the Caribbean Ocean. We were absent for two weeks. The flight lasted ten hours. We were afraid of the jetlag. We took a cab to go to Montpellier airport. We took off at midday and landed in Pointe-à-Pitre thirteen hours later. I was tired even though I had slept in the plane. The climate is tropical. We reached the hotel. We took a shower and went to bed. The next day, for breakfast we had cheese, a slice of bacon, a sausage, some fruit salad with melon, pineapple and watermelon. It was delicious ! I was very happy. Small birds came and ate cheese in our plate! Afterwards, we went to the private beach. We took advantage of the deckchairs under the palm trees. We did not have lunch. In the afternoon, we went to the swimming-pool which was right above the ocean. I was happy and proud. The dinner was surprising! Many lizards came on our table during the dinner with my family. We came back to the hotel. We were in need of air-conditioning because the weather was so hot and humid! The next day, we went on a boat ride to Les Saintes. These are many small islands. We were hoping to see some dolphins but I only saw about ten hummingbirds. They are so beautiful !! This island is very beautiful. We were able to see the Souffrière, which is very rare! This volcano is invisible 364 days a year but I was able to see it during my holidays. I was so lucky! This travel was magical and I still often dream about it …”

Non-fiction,  Lucile

One travel, three best friends

The day so much awaited for, the day of the departure for three young girls back to their respective country, finally arrived.

Loan is seventeen. She is going to Bulgaria to study sciences. The other girl is Menie. She is also seventeen, she is going to London to study maths, in order to become a maths teacher. Eloise, who is the third young girl, is sixteen and can only think of having fun. Eloise is going to Morocco for the holidays.

They arrived at Paris airport and got on board of their planes. Once they arrived at their destination, Menie and Loan realized their suitcases did not arrive with them because they had flown to Morocco. So, they decided to take the first flight to Morocco. Loan and Menie met Eloise to recover their luggage because Eloise had Menie’s and Loan’s luggage. Since it was late, Eloise invited Menie and Loan to eat with her at her hotel.

Airport agents called Menie and Loan to tell them that the Morocco-Bulgaria and Morocco-London flights were canceled because of the local bad weather and they will have to leave a week later. Upon hearing this bad news, Loan and Menie decided to stay with Eloise. She would show them around and they would stay at the same hotel as Eloise. The next day after having their breakfast, Eloise took them to visit the palace and they spent the day there. Loan and Menie thought it was magnificent, great, with lots of colors, and very well preserved. They were very attentive as this was an incredible opportunity to be able to visit this palace, so they made the most of they day.

The day of departure was approaching fast. On Saturday, the penultimate day, Menie and Loan decided to go to some typical Moroccan shops in memory of Eloise because it was not a mere friendship. Indeed, they had created a real friendship between them. They had sworn to meet again in France, after finishing their respective travel in their countries of origin.

It was the day before departure. Menie and Loan had prepared their suitcases in the morning, at dawn. They made the most out of their last morning together, and it was the time to leave for the airport. Eloise went with them. Once at the airport, they told each other good bye and promised to meet again in France. Menie and Loan boarded up their planes to return to their countries. One year after meeting, Menie, Loan and Eloise were at the university in Montpellier; they were back to school, they spent all their holidays together and became the three best friends .

Diane, Zarrik and Alicia

The horse of a dream

That night I dreamt
Of a horse of great beauty.
It was galoping in a meadow,
Under the hot sun
Relying on the wind,
Its silver dress.

Its hooves pounded the earth
Like thunder.
Finished its mad race under a willow weeping
The sun set and the moon rose
Its velvet eyelids became heavy

Then the light was
And it continued its run filled with loneliness

Solène, Léa, Perrine

The problems of the fairy tales

Once upon a time, the Little Red Riding Hood was quietly walking in the forest, when suddenly she met Raiponce:
- Hello Raiponce, how are you ?”
- I'm desperate because I 'm bald. Snif, snif, my fairy tale doesn't work I cannot make anyone go up in my tower anymore because I don't have hair any more.”
- Ok, I will go to Merlin, the Wizard and I will tell him. Bye.”

The Little Red Ridind Hood continued her way to Merlin's thatched cottage when she crossed the Big Bad Wolf:
- he....hell....o”
- Hello, don't be afraid!”
- Ok, how are you ?”
- I'm depressed. I'm allergic to pigs and when I see a pig, I cannot breathe any more. My fairy tale is not possible any more.”
- I will go to Merlin the wizard and I will tell him that. I am sure that he will have a potion for you.”

The Little Red Riding Hood continued her way, a little surprised with all these events. On her way, she crossed Snow White:
- Hello Snow White”
- Hello!”
- I hope that all is well for you”
- No, exactly, my mother is more beautiful than I, and because of that, my fairy tale is destroyed.”
- Ok, but so many people have problems at the moment, it is very strange.”
- Yes, but what can you do for me ?”
- I can tell Merlin about that”
- Thank You. Bye.”
- Bye.”

The Little Red Riding Hood arrived in front of Merlin's thatched cottage. She tapped at the door, and Merlin opened it:
- Ho, Hello Little Red Riding Hood. How are you?”
- I'm fine, I'm fine but I have seen Raiponce, the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White. Each of them has a problem and this problem makes their faity tale impossible: Raiponce is bald, the Big Bad Wolf is allergic to pigs and Snow White's mother is more beautiful that she.”
- They all have these problems because Cruella has stolen the book of the fairy tales and can change everything she wants and add things too. You have to get the book back with your friends.”
" -I'm going there now."

She called her friends: Raiponce, Snow White, the Three Little Pigs , 5 mice and The Big Bad Wolf When they had all arrived the little Red Riding hood said:
- Hello everybody, I have called you up to tell you that Cruella has stolen the books of the fairy Tales”
- What?”, screamed the Three Little Pigs.
- I know, I know but to save our tales, we have to take it back .”
- Why?”
- Listen, I have a plan: you, the Three Little pigs, you go and ask if Merlin can make Cruella sleep . The mice, you will return under the door, you open it, and you will keep the dogs busy. Raiponce and Snow White you will try to find the book of the fairy tales on the first floor and the Big Bad Wolf and I will look for it on the second floor. Ok ?”
- Yes.”
- Go, go, go.”

The three little pigs went to Merlin's cottage and the others went to Cruella's house. All accomplished their mission and they all gathered in a clearing with he book. Merlin found them and
said :
- You have done a good job. Thanks to you, our tales will become normal again. Thank you.”


The end !